I've got two new babies! I'm very happy! It has been a while since we have had any pets and I just LOOOOVE kittys!
So this proud mama is very, very proud to introduce our new members of the family:
Aren't they beautiful?? Ok, so like any parent, I may just be a little biased!
We chose them from Lort Smith Animal Hospital on Sunday. They were in a cage together and I didn't want to split them up so we took both! (Poor Popeye is allergic to cats, but we are hoping that he will get used to them). I was under the opinion that they were brothers, but I think I must have made that up as their DOB differs on their documents.
Popeye named Biggles, after the famous literary aviator. We all agreed on Trim's name. One of our homeschooling stories was about Matthew Flinders' cat, Trim, who was a very intelligent cat. We are hoping our Trim is as smart as the cat he is named after. So far, he is very shy. He jumps at the slightest noise. Biggles, on the other hand, is very friendly and loves the attention. It's good to have that balance of pussy personalities I think.
Fortunately for us, both cats are toilet trained. They will also be exclusively inside cats mainly because we live on a VERY busy road with a VERY busy car wash business as our neighbour. Cats and cars are not a good combination. Also, I have a bit of an issue with cats killing wildlife outdoors. so inside cats they are.
Baby can't keep her hands off them!
YM can't wait for them to settle into our house so he can play with them!
Now having two gorgeous additions to our family has produced a DILEMMA for me. As a vegan, I am having a hard time having animal products in my house for the first time in over 2 years. I do realise that cats are not really made for vegan eating but I would love some ADVICE from my fellow vegan blogging cat owners - What do you feed your cats?
My initial, uninformed thoughts that I should continue feeding my kitty's on kitty food until they are 1. Then I was hoping to be able to introduce a bit of vegan food into their diet and maybe mix it in with their food. Something to research.
On a change of topic, my two home educated babies (the human kind not the kitty kind) have started a blog page called '
Adventures of our homeschooled superheroes'. Their first post was about the kittens and it is fabulous for their writing skills. I'm sure they would love it if you checked it out and left an encouraging comment (this will also help their understanding of writing for an audience).
Meow for now (oh, I feel a Super Troopers moment coming on meow)